Manufacturers of high quality beauty & surgical products

Verified Supplier
ISO 9001:2000 Approved

We are taking our customers seriously

Private label manufacturing

Offering customized formulation and packaging solutions for our customers.

Expert product development
Providing expertise in formulating new beauty and dental care products, utilising innovative ingredients and technologies.
Regulatory Compliance and Quality Assurance:

Ensuring adherence to industry standards and regulations. ISO 9001:2000 Approved

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We follow a clear process to help you out.

"Where Innovation Meets Excellence - Trusted Globally, Delivered Exceptionally."

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You can connect with us on Lalaaji chat/mail/phone, tell us your need.



We are aware of the competitive market, rest assure we will offer great prices against quality.


Secure Payment

We are a verified gold supplier on, hence we offer payment protection on all orders received.

What we Offer

Exporting surgical, dental, personal care instruments, scissors, tweezers since 2007.

Get in touch with us for your desired production

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Years Experience
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Customer Satisfaction

Verified Supplier on & SCCI Pakistan

Our customers say the nicest things about our service

Picture of a person
Jonathan Vallem
New York

I have ordered before, they deliver proper instruments.

Picture of a person
Smith Johnson
New York

I needed surgical instruments and ASAP beauty provided these to me through Lalaaji

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to receive my ordered products?

After receiving your order we directly start with the production of your order. We start working on the production of your order as soon as possible and will keep you updated on the progress